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IAQ Medics is now a part of the Michael Bonsby family! Learn more about the Partnership here

Privacy Policy


1. Introduction

When you access, browse or use this Site ( you accept, without limitation or qualification, the terms and conditions set forth below (“Terms of Use”).

Please read these Terms of Use carefully before using this site. By using this site, you signify your agreement to all terms, conditions, and notices contained or referenced herein. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use please do not use this site. This site is owned and operated by Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical, Inc. (“Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical”, “We” or “Us” or equivalent pronouns). You do not have permission to access this Website unless You agree to these Terms of Use, and You conform Your use and conduct to the terms and conditions herein.

2. Notice
Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical may change these Terms of Use and/or Our Privacy Policy at any time by posting revisions to Our Website. Your continued usage after such changes are posted constitutes acceptance of the revised Terms of Use and/or Our Privacy Policy. You further covenant to comply with all applicable international, country, federal and state laws, rules and regulations with respect to Your use of the Website. Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical encourages You to familiarize yourself with both policies.

3. Ownership
All materials on this Site, including but not limited to images, software, and text (the “Content”), are protected by copyright under U.S. copyright law, international conventions, and other copyright laws. You cannot use the Content, except as specified herein. You agree to follow all instructions on this Site limiting the way you may use the Content. There are a number of proprietary logos, service marks and trademarks found on this Site. By making them available on this Site, Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical is not granting you any license to utilize those proprietary logos, service marks, or trademarks. Any unauthorized use of the Content may violate copyright laws, trademark laws, the laws of privacy and publicity, and civil and criminal statutes.

You may download one (1) copy only of the Content to be used only by you for your use. If you download any Content from this Site, you may not remove any copyright or trademark notices or other notices that go with it.

4. Trademark Notice
Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical, Inc. is the trademark and service mark of Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical. All other marks used in the Site are the property of their respective owners. By making them available on this Site, Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical is not granting you any license to utilize those proprietary logos, service marks, or trademarks.

All trademarks, service marks, trade names or other identifying marks displayed on the Website (the “Marks”) are owned by Us and/or Our licensors. Except as applicable law may otherwise provide or agreed to in writing by Us, We do not consent to any use of the Marks by any person and do not grant You any right to use the Marks displayed on this Website.

5. Misuse of the Website
You violate these Terms of Use when You make any use of the Website that is not in conformity to the Acceptable Use Policy set out below, which is incorporated herein by reference.

6. Transmitted Material
Internet transmissions are never completely private or secure. You understand that any message or information you send to this Site may be read or intercepted by others. Sending a message to Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical does not cause Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical to have any special responsibility to you.

7. Links
This Site may contain links to other Internet sites.

Links – From this site to another Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical provides links to other organizations as a service to our Internet visitors but is not responsible for the information provided in other web sites.

Links from this Site to any other site do not mean that Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical approves of, endorses or recommends that site. Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical disclaims all warranties, express or implied, as to the accuracy, legality, reliability or validity of any content on any other site. Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical makes no representations whatsoever about any other Web sites that you may access through this Site. When you access a non-Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical site, please understand that it is independent from Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical and that Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical has no control over the content on that Web site.

A hyperlink to a non-Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical Web site does not mean that Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical endorses or accepts any responsibility for the content, or the use, of the linked site. It is up to you to take precautions to ensure that whatever you select for your use or download is free of such items as viruses and other items of a destructive nature. If you decide to access any of the third part sites linked to this Site, you do this entirely at your own risk.

8. Links – From another site to this site
Persons may not copy any of the materials from this Site onto your own Web server without prior written permission. Nor may you link to isolated elements on this Site (including photographs, illustrations, diagrams, buttons, text, or any other elements whatsoever) without prior written permission. Any such copying or isolated linking will be considered a violation of copyright and could subject you to legal action.

9. Availability/Liability of Services
The services displayed on the Site may not be available for purchase in your particular locality. The reference to such products and services on the Site does not imply or warrant that these products or services will be available at any time in your particular location.

Services will only be available from Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical when such provide professional services are set forth in written proposals that incorporate Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical’s professional services terms and conditions. You and Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical may make additions to the Scope of Services by mutual agreement.

10. Available Remedies
Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical does not validate, error check or otherwise confirm the truth or accuracy of Information posted on the Website; or review, edit, censor or warrant the quality or accuracy of Information that You may acquire from the Website. We are not in a position to confirm that each Employer is who he or she claims to be. You agree not sue or make any claim of any kind against Us regarding Information posted or available on the Website. When We become aware of harmful activities or if We receive any claim from a third party, in Our sole and unfettered discretion, We may take steps to stop the activity, such as removing the offending materials, denying the offender access to the Website or any other action We deem appropriate. We are required to remove or block access to content or Postings upon receipt of a proper notice of copyright infringement. All remedies are non-exclusive. We are not responsible for (and You agree not to sue Us in respect of) Information posted on the Website.

11. Advertisements
To the extent Information on the Website includes advertising, promotions or other sales related data, We are not responsible for errors in such Information, and such Information does not and is not an offer to enter into a contract, but rather, is merely a solicitation to receive offers from You.

Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical makes no representations or warranties about the suitability of the information for any purpose. The website and all information is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind and all warranties and conditions with regard to the website and/or the information, including all implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy, title and non-infringement, are specifically disclaimed. In no event shall we and/or our contributors be liable for any special, indirect, punitive or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the information or the website. There is no warranty that any information, website, content, computer program or any efforts provided by us will fulfill any of your particular purposes or needs. Your sole remedy in the event you have any claim against us in respect of the website or the information is for us to repair, replace or otherwise correct (or remove) the information.

12. Linking; No Framing
Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical permits reasonable, good faith and non-defamatory links to the Website so long as:

it is clear in the link reference that Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical has not endorsed the contents of the referring page, and that any statements made have not been reviewed or approved by Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical; and

no use is made of Our Marks (though the wordmarks may be used if proper credit is provided on the page).

Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical does not consent to “framing” Our content or Information inside of any other page. Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical reserves the right at any time to terminate this consent, and You agree that immediately upon receipt of such notice, You will terminate all links identified by Us to be terminated. We do not allow linking from any sites that are of a mature or political nature.

13. Direct Database Access prohibited
You may not directly access Our database except via the standard browser/graphic user interface, and You may not use any robot, script, or other automated tool to access or use the Website, any Information, or any data or the database. You may manually access or copy the database, Information or Website or any part of thereof, except solely and exclusively in accordance with Your license granted above. The above shall not prohibit any act permitted by law, as by, for example, a bona fide search engine that is automatically indexing the Website for its search engine database (as long as the result of a query to such search engine returns a link back to the Website), and the search engine is not re-presenting the Information in a manner that is or would be competitive to the Website, or using the Information to present in a search query response to a user, links to competing websites.

14. Content and Submissions / License
You are solely responsible for Your information, profile and content that you upload or otherwise input into the Website (including, without limitation works in any form, media, or technology whether now known or later developed), messages, audio, video, photos, text, images, compilations or other information (“User Content”) that You post on the Website or transmit to other users. You agree and represent and warrant to Us that in submitting User Content or otherwise using the Website that You will not impersonate any person, or submit any materials to Us that are false, inaccurate, misleading, unlawful, or are otherwise in violation of your obligations under these Terms, or that infringe or misappropriate any patent, copyright, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary right, that would violate a right of privacy or publicity, or constitute defamation, or that are a violation of any agreement You have entered into.

By posting User Content to the Website, You automatically grant to Us and Our affiliates an irrevocable, royalty-free, perpetual, fully paid non-exclusive right (including moral rights) and worldwide license to use, copy, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, communicate to the public, perform, publicly display, and distribute such User Content (in whole or in part) and to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works (in any form, media or technology now known or later developed, for the full term of any rights that may exist in such content) such User Content, and to grant and authorize sublicenses thereof (through multiple tiers).

You also represent and warrant that You have the right to grant the license stated above. If You post User Content to the Website, You also permit any other user of the Website to access, display, view, store and reproduce such User Content for personal use.
Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical may terminate Your access to the Website at anytime without notice, delete or make unavailable your User Content, block your computer, IP address, IP address range or otherwise make the site unavailable and inaccessible to You.

15. Electronic Communications
You agree to transact business with Us using electronic communications, either via web forms on the Website, or via email. Electronic communications will be deemed received by You when Your email system reports that any email We send you, has been received by Your system, regardless of whether You ever actually open or read such email. We may, but are not required, to use return receipt requests. Unless specifically required by applicable law, You consent to receive all notices, information, and other communications from Us concerning any subject matter, via electronic email. It is Your responsibility to maintain a valid email address, and We may terminate Your access to the Website at any time that We determine You are in violation of these Terms of Use, or fail to maintain a valid email address.

16. Identification
You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical, Our affiliates, and Our respective officers, directors, employees and agents, from and against any claims, actions or demands, including without limitation reasonable legal and accounting fees, alleging or resulting from:

Any User Content or other material You provide to the Website,

Your use of any of Our Information or Our Marks,

Your breach of the terms of these Terms of Use, the Acceptable Use Policy, or the Privacy Policy, or

Your violation of any applicable international, country, federal and state laws, rules and regulations.

17. Governing Law; Choice of Forum
These Terms of Use and Your use of the Website shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Maryland, exclusive of its conflicts of laws principles. You consent and submit to the jurisdiction and venue over any action, suit, or other legal proceeding that may arise out of or in connection with these Terms of Use, by the state or federal courts of the State of Maryland.

Acceptable Use of Website
You agree as follows in respect of the acceptable and unacceptable uses of the Website (as defined in the Terms of Use). You will not and agree not to:

Use or attempt to use the Website for any illegal, abusive or unethical activities as determined by Us in Our sole discretion, which include by example and not limitation, transmission of illegal pornographic material, invasion of privacy, defamation, infringement of another person’s copyright, trade secret, patent, trademark or other intellectual property rights, hacking or cracking (gaining unauthorized use of a computer), distributing computer viruses or other malware, gambling, harassment of another or distribution of other harmful materials, code, programs or scripts.

Mine the site for user content such as emails or other personal information, or send unsolicited bulk mail messages (“junk mail” or “spam”). This includes bulk-mailing of commercial advertising, information announcements, charitable solicitations and political solicitations. Such material may only be sent to those who have specifically requested it or as authorized by applicable law, provided that if You assert that Your activities are authorized by applicable law, You shall provide an opinion of reputable counsel establishing a basis upon which Your actions are taken. Malicious or threatening e-mail is also prohibited. Normally We will assume that You are in compliance with this provision, however, if an upstream provider blacklists Our IP range or mail server as a result of activities We trace to you, We will presume that You are in violation of this provision.

Breach any applicable data protection statute by, for example, sending or storing personal information (as defined in applicable data protection statutes) in an unencrypted form.

Impersonate another person, falsify the source of TCP/IP packets, spoof any portion of an email or TCP/IP header, or misrepresent authorization to act on behalf of others or us. All messages and packets transmitted via the Internet Service should correctly identify the sender and source; You may not alter the attribution of origin in electronic mail messages or posting.

Undermine the security or integrity of computing systems or networks or gain unauthorized access or control over Our computers or any other person’s computers.

Permit another person to use Your resources or the Website to conduct any of the matters You are prohibited from doing.

Distribute any files in any peer-to-peer or file sharing arrangement, where it is possible that in such file sharing process any of the Website may be used to distribute copyrighted materials to or from persons who are not authorized to receive, copy, distribute or use them.

Take any action that would cause Us to violate any terms of an upstream service provider’s acceptable use policy.

The above list of acceptable and unacceptable uses of the Website is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather illustrative of the range of unacceptable uses. Michael Bonsby HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical has the right in Our sole discretion to determine whether any particular conduct is an acceptable use of the Website. In cases where We determine You engaged in conduct that You reasonably believed did not violate this policy in good faith, We will provide You electronic notice of Our determination that such conduct is not an acceptable use, and provided You cease such conduct not later than 24 hours after such notice, You will not be considered to be in breach of these Terms of Use.?


Your use of this Website constitutes acceptance of this Privacy Policy and Our Website Terms of Use. We may change the Privacy Policy, Acceptable Use Policy and/or Our Website Terms of Use at any time by posting revisions to Our Website. Your continued usage after such changes are posted constitutes acceptance of each revised Privacy Policy and/or Terms of Use. We encourage You to familiarize yourself with both policies. Our Website Terms of Use may found under a link at the main website location. If You do not agree to the terms and conditions of this Privacy Policy, Our Terms of Use or any revised policy, please exit this Website immediately.

Our Commitment to Privacy:

1. Your privacy is important to us.
To better protect Your privacy We provide this notice explaining Our online information practices and the choices You can make about the way Your information is collected and used.
2. The Information We Collect:
This notice applies to all information collected or submitted on the Website. On some pages, You can make requests, and register to receive materials. The types of personal information collected at these pages are:




Email address

Phone number

In some instances, We solicit information about Your company. For example, if You submit a Posting, We ask for details about the kind of work You perform. In this circumstance, We will not post anything that You have not submitted to us. You represent and warrant that all such information is true, accurate, and in compliance with Our Terms of Use and the Acceptable Use Policy.

3. The Way We Use Information:
We only use Your information to communicate with You. Your information is not used for any other purpose and is not shared with outside parties, except to the extent the outside party is performing services for Us to maintain the Website – i.e. our hosting provider or any computer technicians that maintain our Website.

You can register with Our website if You would like to receive updates on Our new products and services. Information You submit on Our website will not be used for this purpose unless You fill out the registration form.

We use non-identifying and aggregate information to better design Our Website and increase usability.

Finally, We never use or share the personally identifiable information provided to Us online in ways unrelated to the ones described above without also providing You an opportunity to opt-out or otherwise prohibit such unrelated uses.

Notwithstanding the above, in the case where We merge, sell Our business, or otherwise transfer operational control of Our business to a new owner, whether We do so directly or indirectly, You hereby authorize Us to transfer Your entire personal information to such purchaser, so long as such purchaser agrees to abide by the terms of this policy.

4. Our Commitment to Data Security:
To prevent unauthorized access, maintain data accuracy, and ensure the correct use of information, We have put in place appropriate physical, electronic, and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information We collect online.

Please remember that the security measures taken above are not foolproof; no website can guarantee that personally identifiable information will be protected in all situations. Therefore We can only state that We will make a reasonable effort to protect from unauthorized access the information that You provide, and that if We are notified of a breach, We will comply with applicable law, however, unless a statute provides You a right that cannot be waived, You specifically waive and covenant not to sue Us for any data loss or breach of Our system resulting in loss of personal information.

5. Our Commitment to Children’s Privacy:
Protecting the privacy of the very young is especially important. For that reason, we never collect or maintain information at our website from those we actually know are under 18, and no part of Our website is structured to attract anyone under 18.

6. How You Can Access Or Correct Your Information:
You can correct factual errors in Your personally identifiable information by sending Us a request that credibly shows error.
To protect your privacy and security, We will also take reasonable steps to verify your identity before granting access or making corrections.

7. How to Contact Us:
Should You have other questions or concerns about these privacy policies, please call Us at 301-990-7970 or send Us an email at

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  • By submitting, you authorize Michael Bonsby to reach you via call, email, or text messages with offers and other information about your project’s needs. Message/data rates apply. Consent is not a condition of purchase.

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